
By TrishaR

Sunshine Flowers

They look like some sort of daisies, and we spotted them on our walk down the Almond Riverside on this beautiful sunny Saturday. Also spotted a clump of Forget-Me-Nots, but the pictures of these were bitty:-(.

I was so interested to see the pictures of the Royal Wedding in the newspapers this morning, so an early start into town to check them out as we sat drinking coffee and eating chocolate twists in Nero.

I didn't manage to take a picture yesterday as spent most of the day in front of the tv watching the wedding. The bride was stunning, and I just loved her dress, she was so stylish, there was nothing that I could criticize (as women like to do!). I'm afraid that couldn't be said about the two Princesses, Eugenie and Beatrice. One was wearing an octupus on her head and put her eye make up on with a trowel. The other, well, not the best choice of dress for a girl of her age!

There were so many special moments - I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

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