In Between Days

By jase

Washing Shadow

Sunny and windy. A perfect drying day I believe!

I must give credit to L for washing and hanging out but I have redeemed myself by washing one princess dress which was, shall we say, soiled due to a little cousins accident!

I wasn't woken up by the kids. I got called by work and a great part of the day has been spent dipping in and out of the problem I had there. Luckily I didn't have to go in as I can do most things remotely but its still a big interruption to the day. I was woken at 6:30 am but the problem actually occurred at 2:30 am. The site manager who called me thought she'd let me have a full nights sleep, bless her.

Determined to get out of the house and do something tomorrow. Anything, I just need to get out!

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