
Woke up, after a very heavy sleep (bought about by sheer physical exhaustion) and then had to consider riding again today. Ahh, yep, keen as. I think.

Anyway, to help ease our way into it, we sought ourt the best local café, Lime. Eggs bennie to die for and great coffee. Ahh, and then it was timer to launch.

So at 10.30am we were on the track, caffeined up and enthused! A quick warm up on Old Chevy and then onto the shuttle.

While some MTB terrain offshore is serviced by lifts, Rotorua is rather unique in that the lift, is a bus, accessing the trails by driving up the forestry roads. It works well and operates every 15 mins. Not cheap, $10 per single ride, $40 for 6, or $200 for 60, we ended up buying 12 rides. Is it worth it? Absolutely, the ability to access and ride over and over again the trails is just amazing, especially as we were building on the skills we learned yesterday.

And learn, practice and ride hard we did. One word, well two actually, bl**dy fantastic. One of the BEST days!

Trails like jumps/corners, Billy T, Split End, G-Rock - all fantastic. Long, consistent grade, lots of great corners and small drops. Heaven! And to make it even better, we both had our GoPro HD Hero's with us, so we took hours of footage of the trail riding. Handle bar mounted, seat post mounted, helmet mounted - we got it.

In the end we only had 5 ruins up the shuttle and just missed the 6th, but despite being tired we decided to ride up for one last run (just to ensure we'd done and honest days work). Split Enz was the choice, just fantastic, and a 30 minute run down, with virtually no stops.

Then back to the hotel. A beer, a spa, out to grab some Thai takeaways, more beer, and then setting in to watch the days footage. We relived it again.

Might sound boring, but it was fab! Yep, a just a little tired after another 6 ½ hours on the bike!

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