The second half of life..

By twigs

R is for.......


I asked W yesterday if he'd help me out with my photographic assignment (on portraits and lighting) by being a subject for me. I figured that, as an art teacher who taught photography he'd be pretty helpful - and I wasn't wrong :) He had ideas and helpful hints - he just wasn't comfortable in front of the camera though ;) We did have fun though and I'd love to be able to spend more time practicing and testing things out a bit. I'm still not confident with flash and need to spend more time using it to really get a feel for it.

Can't say that my results were that spectacular but I'm hoping there's at least one shot that will suffice for the asignment. That's a task for the weekend.

This shot was with a 'prop' we'd played a bit with - a boxed 'R' that one of his students had made. Being the retiring, reluctant sort I decided to (mostly!) crop W out. Hope he doesn't mind :)

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