
By QuerkyPoo


I have a spot where I can usually bag a bunny - but they werent there when I needed them - I wanted to find one laying easter eggs ? No wonder I couldnt find one ?
well they turned up again today - even after me making several visits -

all I found yesterday was a corpse! Police called - corpse taken away for examination - as far as I know there has been no homicide enquiry so assume its of animal origin.
Good thing! Looked a bit un-nice and both me ( Ex Police ) and the local Ranger ( ex Prison Officer ) were fooled by this one and its location.

Why would anyone dump a corpse body wrapped in a black plastic bag - minus feet,head,arms ( or legs )?
one would think if it was a hunter one would keep the main part and throw away the lesser parts - I dont know? - what a strange world - one wonders why it was dumped near a country walkway in any case. Strange but true !!

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