All Those Pretty Things..

By erinsharp

Roses are Red...

Today turned out to be a REALLY (REALLY) good day :)

School itself was Great because I finally handed in all my art! NO MORE ART! Stress over! I can now take a deep breath! =D

I decided however I wanted to celebrate this joyous occasion so me and Ed went down to the beach. It was pretty chilly down there so I didn't take any photo's but there were two really... hmm stupid seems to be the correct word since the sea was VERY cold... kite surfers. Made me feel cold just thinking about it!

We then went off to Pizza Hut to get some food since Ed wouldn't stop complaining about his hunger, and then continued to complain about the service there. Moan Moan Moan that's all I heard! :P Makes a change from me moaning actually :P

So yeah other than that not much to report! But thank-you for a GREAT day :)

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