
By Rab

Dancing with the Stripes

Sorry that the photo didn't come out so well, but today onboard we had the inaugural 'Dancing with the Stripes' competition. I think you get the idea, but its a show the officers and crew put on for our passengers that took one of our Cast members and coupled them with one of our Officers on board, who had no dance experience, and they had 2 weeks to put together a routine that our Passengers voted on. They really went all out, with backstage interviews, a panel of judges and costumes. It really turned out to be a great show, full of laughs with all types of Dance. Again sorry for the way this shot came out, as it was standing room only and I was kinda stuck pretty far back. Anyway, this is Andrie our Dining Room manager with Whitney, and they got my vote. Although it was hard not to vote for the 2 Scots who did a Celtic dance, with Angus in full kilt and starting the dance with a bottle of whisky in his hand. Brilliant!!! Votes by the audience have been cast, and the winner will be announced later tonight.

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