Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Two Peas in a Pod

Two peas in a pod......these two. Similar in so many different ways. These are the moments that I love to capture with my camera. The sweet special moments that are not planned and certainly not posed. Because it would be impossible to try to create the emotion that is flowing from this photograph. It is natural. It is real. It is true love.

Today we had a ball at our son's tball game. Or should I say, a laugh, a great time, a family reunion......you get my drift. Our son was loving all of the attention from the sidelines. He had his Grandparents there, us, his Aunt and Uncle, and two of his cousins. One of his cousins was in from out of town so having him at the game was a very special experience.

Our son got a couple of great hits and a good play at the pitcher mound. A ground ball came to him and he caught it in his glove. And it surprised him. He even checked his glove to see if the ball was really in there. Then he looked at all of us and smiled / cheered. And then he threw the ball to 1st base. Needless to say that runner was safe! :) It might just be one of his cutest little tball moments yet! After the game we walked across the field to watch our nephew play. Another big group of family to help cheer him on. And he too loved it!

We took all of the kids out to lunch at a local mexican place. There was a live band there and our table was right up at the front. Excellent. Excellent because the music was great and excellent because the kids could talk noisily and it didn't even matter. And they had so much fun together. I took a dozen photos of each of them doing silly faces. I love to see how much they all truly love one another. And it was so nice having all of the kids together.

The rest of the afternoon was spent riding bikes out front with the kids and our nephews. We had every bike, scooter, big wheel, skateboard, hula hoop (our daughter calls it a "Holy Hoop"), etc. out on the driveway. And the kids played and played and played and played. We even avoided the downpour of rain that was expected for the afternoon. A good good day today. A solid and good day with the family!

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