Austrian Poppy ... my way

And finally it was raining. No cats and dogs but a lovely spring shower. And flora and fauna, as far as my view - which was from the safe and dry inside of my room :) - revived! No doubt about today's blip. But what to picture ...

And what a coincidence ... Because I happen to be the kitchen's prince here ;) I read cookery books. Yes, that's also part of me. And last year I read, among others, a book from the uncrowned queen of cookery book authors, Elisabeth David. And - at least I think it was in that book - there was a recipe to prepare a remarkable dish: a Classic Austrian Poppy Seed Strudel! Coulldn't prepare it because poppy season was over.

This morning it was raining. I looked out my window. And I saw the droplets on ... yes, they are in the front yard ... Austrian poppies!

So here's my blip - on this remarkable first rainy day for weeks - of an Austrian poppy (at least part of it) :)

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