My Year in Pictures

By jenny


Slept - or rather not slept - weirdly again last night.

Then been on a brilliant workshop all day in Cheltenham - my "business" attire of green dress (with navy knee length leggings underneath), cream cardigan, red shoes and red accessories was absolutely fine!!!!!

Then raced home and grabbed a bite to eat.

Then raced out to another evening workshop, where I did nothing but yawn. Though thankfully yawning isn't uncommon given the the nature of the course, so I didn't stand out too much - particularly given one lady always falls asleep.

Now home, and whilst I took pictures for/of the facilitators on today's workshop, I haven't taken any of my own.

And all I want to do is drink a wee nightcap and go to bed.

So here you have me slightly ahead of myself.

Night night.

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