
By PrimeMart

Second Severn Crossing#2

This is taken from the other side of the bridge to this one. I mean upstream from the bridge, not from the welsh side. £5.70 to cross for a blip is too steep. It does look better large.

No processing jiggery pokery on this one. The sky was really like that. The heavens opened shortly after. Anyway I was walking along the Severn because Merryn had been stood up. Merryn's best friend is also another black lab, 3 months younger than her, who is also called Merryn. How spooky is that. We did not the owners pre-dogs, we took the name from cornish/celtic. One morning up the park playing with another black lab puppy, I was surprised when I called Merryn and both dogs came to me! They have been best buds ever since.

In other exciting news... lunchtime today I said I would prepare a salad for Tracey who came home for lunch. She reminded me to pick some green leaves from the veggie patch, but neglected to give any further precise instructions. I was therefore surprised when picking some large, hairy, not very edible looking leaves to notice a radish growing at it's base.

"Ah," I thought, "it must be radicchio."

Of course it was not - warning do not eat radish leaves, they taste foul.

Then I noticed the mustard, spinach and other green leaves I should have been picking in the other bed!

Many thanks to all who commented on yesterdays wheelbarrows, much appreciated. My first spotlight, what ever that is!

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