Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Our Last Supper, Wicklow-Stylee

Say "Hello Ladies-Who-Lunch-In-Balto".

They were waiting for an Irish Celebrity Chef to turn up.

What is it with ladies of a certain age and afternoon TV nonces?

I asked them if they were going to have a chat with Neven, if and when he showed up.

"Oh, but, Mother of God, of course!", says Bridey. "Sure we do LOVE his recipes!"

"I love his recipes myself" says I, "but I'm going to be busy, taking the snaps and all....could one of yis do me a favour?????"

"Surely we can", says Angela."What might it be?"

"Have yis ever had the Cream of Sum Yung-Gi?", says I.....

There was a chorus of semi-geriatric "Hmm, no...,,,,hmmm, dont think so,,,,well, maybe once, out foreign someplace....wouldnt put it in me mouth, meself.....

"So you wouldnt mind asking him about it, so, just for me? Just tell Neven that the photographer is going mad for the Cream of Sum Yung-Gi."

"We will, so," they cackled.....

(With apologies to Waynes World...)

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