
By tintintti

Sunset and a politics related rant

My windows are facing west, so I can always enjoy the sunset in the evening if I want to.

From here starts the politics related rant, which you are free to skip if Finnish politics are of no interest. Or you're just too fed up with all the "True Finns" -crap like I actually am but still torture myself by reading the news...

So the "True Finns" are also ready to stay in opposition now. It bugs the hell out of me that now some rednecks have started whining that it's undemocratic that the government isn't formed the way the "True Finns" want. They're not the biggest, or even the second biggest party!

So these idiots think that it's "undemocratic" that everything isn't done the way ~19% want it to be done...

On other "True Finns" related news, the "True Finns" MP convicted of breakingn peace of faith (don't know if that is anywhere near the correct translation) after comparing islam to paedophilia, refuses to give any comments or interviews to a certain Finnish newspaper "as long as they keep publishing pictures of him looking 'like that'". He wouldn't specify what he meant with 'like that', apparently he didn't like some photo of him wearing a woollen shirt. Personally I think he looks a bit like Josef Mengele in any photo I've seen of him, so I think he shouldn't be too picky.

Apologies for the rant, I just have to let out some steam every once in a while.

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