
By soozaday

A Perfectly Balanced Day

We took a stay-cation day and went up to San Jose to have dim sum at one of our favorite places. I could eat like this forever--little tastes of juicy delicious packages: every cart bringing new presents to unwrap. Then it was off to the deSaisset Museum on the campus of Santa Clara University: two fabulous photo exhibits in one place! For bug lovers: Jo Whaley creates mesmerizing collages here. And Susan Middleton, here, manages to make photographs of invertebrates that look like delicate watercolors. Now honestly, when was the last time you spent more than a couple seconds in front of an image? Both of these collections just stopped me in my tracks and I can't stop thinking about them. It was such a delicious, lovely and inspiring day and I didn't have to weed in the garden, not once!

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