Dodge'y Blips

By RachelD

Just for my Mum

Cause we all love her to the moon and back ;)

(she'll be saying i stole that saying now teehee)

I've tried most of the afternoon and evening to get a nice picture of some tulips dh bought me yesterday, but they are ALL out of focus! i've got achy arms today but still, how come i can take a moon shot without the tripod? puzzled.

Shall try again tomorrow maybe.

Btw for those who sent their wishes, mum is out of hospital and on medication for now, Shes allowed back to work in a week or so (less if she gets her way) and a list of instructions to follow, guess thats down to the rest of the family to make sure she does, cause shes stubbon like that ;)

Love ya mum. xx

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