By paradoxicalove


I woke up from the OCC floors at 8 or so and chilled with Ryan C. and Dave.. then had worship downstairs, which was pretty peaceful. Caught a ride back with Dave 'cause I couldn't stay for the volunteering/boarding up in downtown. Which was a downer, as well as not being able to go to robotics picnic and pasta party. At least it was cancelled.

I called and talked with someone, and it calmed me. I started homework then and finished after a long time. Was getting more and more tired, hungry kind of, because I was still fasting my 30 hours. It really wasn't as bad as I thought, but still tough to imagine people going through this..... :( terrible.

I went on a long, long long walk and laid underneath a breezy tree, just thinking. Mostly about...
and I sang. I practiced singing. A lot, kind of. Mostly, songs that remind me of...
Then I sat down and read the Bible.

Today's the first in a long while that I've...
tears over...
while singing....

Played guitar and did a fail cover for my parents and one on my own computer while I was getting bored waiting for the dinner back at the church.

I went back finally and played some cards, then ate mac & cheese, spaghetti and wings. Heheh. Actually didn't feel hungry. My whole system is screwed now.

Caught a ride with Teddy back to his house, played with their new puppy, chilled with Joanne (watched Strangers Again and listened to amazing music, chatted and watched/mimicked my fail cover) It wasn't too bad.

I remember well-off summers there, sneaking down, drinking the ice-cold Silk, playing dares with Teddy all night, pranking and all. Crazy fun stuff.
It was those days.. sigh.

Came home and chatted, ate green tea ice cream, did devos and discussed a little. Got better. My family is watching another violinist prodigy type movie.

Almost one full year.

Ridiculous. I walked today. A ton. & sang. & underneath the tree
my mind was filled with...
You know what song I sang. It's the only song that...

You'd know the song. It's me singing, every single word of that to you.

Ridiculous. Unbelievable?
Maybe not.

I happened to look into the binder today. Your birthday is tomorrow.
& You saturated the paper with words painfully sincere, filled in promises. That we all thought we would keep. Forever.

Your birthday is tomorrow. Am I going to call?

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