Birthday Present from a far.

Although my Birthday is tomorrow The family arranged a lunch time party for me at the Stables Resturant.

I must admit I was trying to keep a low profile on this event, but as it turned out I had the most enjoyable party ever.
Family and friends thats what it's all about.
There were lot's of surprises for me, this photo is a beautiful Pot which was given to me from my Dad & Maureen, who live in the UK(not sent from there I hasten to add!!)the funny thing is not long ago I had been really admiring this pot, but it was not with the person who bought it, unless of course there was a conspiracy going on!!! like many things connected to my birthday!.
One of which was Tash ordering an Ipad for Rob to give me, O how I love my daughter-in-laws!!!!
The other was my dear friend rainie who is a great one for keeping secrets! she has made me the most fantastic book full of memories OMG it is so lovely, I could not believe that she had contacted all my family and friends to contribute PHOTOS!!!! (scary) and letters, Awesome, thank you so much Lorraine.

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