Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould

no Dolphins

I'm not much of an achiever, as of late. If something isn't urgent I won't do it. I have small bundle of paperwork to get through. I should have done it all at the end of my year abroad but it's still sat here, on the table, staring, mocking. I end up turning all proverbs on their head, really:

'A stitch in time saves nine' - Me: Wait until the hole gets too big to repair and chuck it out.

'If something's worth doing, it's worth doing well' - Me: If something's worth doing, if it's urgent, I mean really urgent, then try and do it to a satisfactory level.

'Don't count your chickens before they've hatched' - Me: Eat an egg sandwich everyday and always count your unhatched chickens, in case you need to phone mum and ask to get more from Tesco.

On another note, I cycled downhill for 4 miles today, which was really fun. I completely forgot, though, when I got to my destination which was a pier where you can sometimes see dolphins, that I had to cycle back uphill for 6 miles. There were no dolphins

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