Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Miss Pink took the blanket off her dolly's pram, went to the trampoline, covered herself with it, and said "night night Mummy". Where's Bunny?" "bunny, night nights".

Today has been a day of learning to make changes, that hopefully will be positive for us all. Last night I went to a reading workshop, so I have some new ideas to get Master Pink interested in reading again. This morning I went to a family learning group. We discussed anger, and what makes us cross, and our children cross, and discussed time management, rewards, consequences, and lots of other things. All of which went completely out the window when two mini pinks were screaming either side of me on the way home from school!!! BUT TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER!!!!!!!

And then this evening I went back to weight watchers, and mentally started again. I have been going on and off over the past month, but not really sticking to it properly, so tomorrow I will be back on track...gulp!

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