Bernadette's Vision

By Bernadette

Chive flower

Had to make another batch of cheese since we ate almost the whole thing yesterday. My oldest is coming over and I promised her some. Today I added fresh chives, basil, garlic salt. It smells divine and my taste test prior to balling it was yummy.

Have to run to town and get a Birthday gift for Bela's friend. She is going to the party tomorrow and is very excited. The goats are needing to be wormed as well so another trip to the Co-op.

It's still raining mixed with snow here. Very late cold front even for the Rockies. I can't wait until the sun pops out again, would be much easier to get motivated outside.

I'm hoping I can get my schedule and chores under control so I can resume yoga, blip and work in a more flowing manner.

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