Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Ballet dispaly and birthday party day

Here is our Prima Ballerina in the midst of concentration. The Hitchin School of Russian Ballet took around ten four and five year olds to do a display in the town square today as part of the Rotary Club's Health Awareness day. They did two displays and all looked beautiful and all danced really well.

I was giving out leaflets at the same event, about drop ins and support lines, in my role of Breastfeeding Network Helper. Unbelievably you can't normally walk through Hitchin without falling over pregnant ladies, but today in the space of two and a half hours I only saw three.

This afternoon was spent in the garden with the kids playing and talking to our old swim teacher who came for coffee. It was lovely to see her and equally lovely to see Carys' face when she arrived and that Carys wanted a cuddle from her when she fell off the climbing frame rather than Daddy or I.

At four o'clock we headed to Little Rascals for the party of the year. Carys and Grace both seemed to have a lovely time, various parents stayed or didn't but all the kids behaved really well. Our childminder and her two girls came and Carys spent a large amount of the time playing with the younger one (she is 8) while William raced over to cuddle the older one. I'm sure she is his first love.

Both kids were wrecked when we came home and went to sleep quite quickly. We are off to Riddlington tomorrow to see our friends from Melbourne. Hopefully the kids will get some catch up sleep in the car, it is a 2.5hour journey, so fingers crossed.

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