A Dog's Dinner

By G

Back To Winter

Is there any more rain up there? It has poured all night and all day but never daunted we set off to the beach and ended up looking like three idiots out for a stroll.

As we got to the beach the heavens open up, but unlike sensible people, we decided to make the most of it and marched on. How terribly British?

Ten minutes later, soaked and chilled to the bone we were struck by the God of Sensible People and headed home to a log fire and cups of tea.

So now were all dried out, Radio 4 is on, the fire is roaring and His Highness is snoozing in the grate.

Ah! The joys of a Scottish summer.

Oh and I found a large bird identity ring with a contact number at the Natural History Museum so I'll need to find out what that story is.

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