Views of my world

By rosamund


Today was a much quieter affair than yesterday. I got up fairly early and finished the clean up after last night's shin dig, there wasn't much to do, we seemed to have taken care of most of it before bedtime. Had a relaxing morning knitting and watching tv then we went out for brunch before visiting Carlos' mum whose birthday it was yesterday. We had planned a quick visit but the photobox came out and that was us hooked for the whole afternoon! I've never seen all Carlos' old family photos, it was quite fascinating with some really old photos of his great, great grandmother, and really interesting ones of his dad's childhood home in Spain which I have heard many tales of but never seen. I love reminiscing over old family photos, my uncle brought me one of my mum as a toddler when the family were round yesterday, which was lovely to see. I was so tired by all the weekend's exertions that I didn't photograph anything else today except a few of the old snaps of Carlos which were too good to just pack away. He has given me permission to blip one, on the condition that i don't link to facebook, so for your eyes only fellow blippers, here is my lovely husband sporting a jacket almost as spectacular as the one my cousin modelled so gracefully yesterday.

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