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By beccy

Wearing the Lilac

Today is Wear the Lilac Day, instigated by fans of the wonderful author Terry Pratchett who has been diagnosed with alzheimers.

Wearing a sprig of Lilac is how characters in the story "Nightwatch" remember the fallen heroes of the Glorious 25th May. Pratchett fans have taken it as a way of honouring Terry Pratchett for all the pleasure his stories bring, and also to raise awareness of Alzheimers. It seems such a fitting way of honouring our heroes who have fallen to this disease.

My aunt was diagnosed with alzheimers.

She has saved my life on a number of occasions, from letting me get married from her house and filling it full of wedding chaos to being on standby when I was due to have my baby, ready to step in an take care of Big Sister if she was needed. The relief I've felt having her as back up at the most important times of my life is beyond words.

There was also the time she let me come round and have a bath after I spent the day chasing escaped chickens and had no hot water at home. She is one of my heroes, and I'm supporting alzheimers awareness and research for her.

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