
By Exbeeb

It took how long to clean?

I can imagine the dedication it must take to polish and shine a wire wheel like this. I estimated that is must have over sixty spokes and probably takes several hours to get to this condition. And this car had five of them! Not all touching the road you understand.

I do note that this is my second car blip this week, but I thought when I saw this sitting by the greensward, it just had be given an airing.

I thought you may be interested in the formula that is used to work out how long the spokes should be: l = \sqrt{ d^2 + {r_1}^2 + {r_2}^2 - 2 \, r_1 r_2 \cos(a)} - r_3

Oh, you weren't very interested. OK.

(My thanks to Wikipedia for the formula - you didn't think I did that myself did you?)

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