The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Drip drip drip

Today's blip is an attempt to be more creative while at the same time being relevant to my day to day experience of life.

The tap in our kitchen has been dripping for months now and although you'd think we could have done something about it given the major work being done in our house, we haven't quite factored it in. Tonight, I decided to use it to my advantage for my blip and after 76 attempts got the above shot.

I took this one with my camera set up on a tripod with flash and using manual settings fired away. Half way through, I remembered a little trick I had learned somewhere to turn the white balance to the tungsten setting and hey presto! a very effective blue cast, which was much more effective than the previous efforts. Had a bit of trouble getting my focus correct but think that it is okay.

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