
By dubaidudes


I had to take Saji to Abu Dhabi for her visa renewal medical today. Men have to wait next door, so I took the opportunity to furtively blip this chap with the iphone.

Anyone who has driven from Dubai to Abu Dhabi will know that the driving is atrocious, and there are regular multiple pile-ups. I was in the outside at 80mph, with nowhere to go because of traffic, when a Land Cruiser came up fast behind flashing and tailgating me. I pulled over when I could, slowed down, and then watched him do the same to a Nissan Armada in front. He tried to overtake on the hard shoulder but the Aramada wouldn't let him.

After a couple of minutes of this they both pulled over to the side. I saw a fat man get out of the Land Cruiser and march to the Armada. I only wish I could have seen his face when a policeman got of the car he'd been tailgating. I hope he threw the book at him.

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