today I ...

By BarbiesWorld

...loved the optimism:

of a certain fellow blipesse...
She asks. Notwithstanding she knows I take ages to reply. But she knows anyway that I will... one day...

The castle of Marburg.
Looked like that on my way to lunch break for granny's birthday. And looked like that on my way back.
That certain someone has another, higher someone reading her journal (which can it make rain, seriously, she only has to complain blip about drought). Well, that higher someone doesn't like gnocchi al gorgonzola. Rainy and windy during nice outdoor ristorante lunch. Anyway...

Ok, I don't apologize, it's my choice what I get with me... But I really don't get it why the phone camera is totally over-challenged by sunny landscape standard situations while brilliant (sometimes) on close ups or normal distance pictures...

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