hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

Half century

Not how old I feel ... although ....

I knew these buttons would come in handy one day. Most of them are reminders of clothes-gone-by, for example:

- Fawn wide leg linen trousers that I thought I'd wear - and never did (being 5'2 does that to you) ...
- A much-loved 1980s blue and white puff shoulder, puff skirt dress with gaudy gold knot buttons all down the front ... (I wore this to death)
- A crocheted silky cotton cardigan (also 1980s) with knitted buttons;
- A dirty old man's mac ...
- A pink 'Per Una' shirt with heart shaped buttons, back when I used to have to dress formally for work ...
- The brocade button off a slinky slim cheongsam bought in Hong Kong that I grew out of almost immediately ....

There is a horrid, rogue, plastic brown toggle in there too. I don't know WHERE that came from.

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