No Static

By nostatic

Not Not Fun

Actually it was a fun day, but at this moment in the day it could have swung either way. It was a boys day today, with mummy out having a well deserved lunch with one of her friends. So after the swimming we headed out to my home town to watch the annual parade and true to form it started to rain just as the parade started. Here's the wee man looking less than pleased at being shoved back in his buggy and under the rain cover, his cousin was even less taken with the idea. Fun was restored as soon as the sun poked it's head back out, especially when we discovered the home baking stall.

Not Not Fun is one of those record labels where you think, yeah I know loads of the artists on that label and then you take a look and realise you know pretty much none of them. I've heard Peaking Lights courtesy of middleman, know that Pocahaunted split up and became Best Coast and have been meaning to check out Ensemble Economique for a while, beyond that I'm lost as to why I knew the name of the label. Try this and see what you think.

Back blipped yesterday's, but I really wouldn't bother.

RIP Gil Scott Heron, the word legend is bandied around far too much but he truly was a great. One of my favs

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