Fantasy Land

By maryam

Im indebted to you for better living

A portrait of my teacher Bilal bajwa with his nephew. He (nephew) was going to USA and was there to meet him in his office so I thought to capture some memories for him. What a true spirit he is. He was awarded best teacher In university, no one else could deserve it better than him. If you don?t know 2+2 and you are afraid being scolded by teachers for not knowing it, he will answer it in a way that it?ll make you feel sure it was VALID question to ask; No matter how easy the concept is, no matter how many times you?ve learned it in your life. I think this quality makes me incommensurable.

Teacher appreciation makes the world of education go around. ~Helen Peters

It?s been 3 and half year being his student, and in all this time he make me do the things I never thought I could even try, strong enough to take initiative and stiff enough to complete it with grace.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth.' ~Dan Rather

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