Incinerate - Sonic Youth

Not a busy day today. I had a class to teach from nine until eleven then had to head home as Maddy was off school with a cold. Once Roz got back I had to head back into town as I had another class form six until eight this evening. I'm not long home and I've just finished my tea.

Today's song is off the most recent Sonic Youth studio album. They have had an album of B sides and rarities since but that doesn't really count. This one came out in 2006 twenty three years after their debut album. You have to have respect for a band who can release at such a consistently high standard over that longh a career. Very few bands have more than about five or six years where they are producing high standard material, after that they seem to either split up or go through the motions. It's not only recorded material where they excell. I saw them in 2004 and they were great live. I never managed to catch them in London last year but the reports were good.

They have a new album out this year titled "J'Accuse Ted Hughes" which I'm eagerly anticipating there are suggestions that it's out at the end of April but no sign of it on Amazon yet.

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