Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Wild Campion

For those of you who had trouble sleeping pondering over the weighty cupcakes and wrappers issue, you may rest easy tonight. These have been identified, sourced, purchased and will soon be in the hands of the cupcake divas.

I did however fail to remember to get in touch with the caterers today. I meant to do it at lunchtime but instead snuck off to the staff room and stuck my nose in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

When Michelle joined me in the staff room a bit later we had a conversation which went like this

Michelle : What are you reading then?
Me: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Michelle : Right. <Pause> Naaaaaawwww, really what are you reading?

I guess the fact that I once gained a degree in English literature has passed Mich by and I am just seen as the erstwhile tech geek turned Business Adviser who occasionally flicks through a Heat mag at lunchtime :) I would address this situation if I could be bothered!

Out for a walk this evening. Breezy but bright. I have been eyeing up the campions in the fields for a wee while now and so tonight they were my victim of choice!

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