Meanwhile, today in life

By richgreenwood

Entry 327 - A table for 9 billion

"A Table for 9 Billion

Today our planet is facing its second large-scale food crisis in 3 years. Research shows that 1 in 7 people worldwide are chronically hungry and it's time to make this emergency a global priority.

Hunger is about power. Its roots lie in inequalities in access to resources and opportunity. And women face the greatest inequalities of all.

In response, Oxfam International is launching a global food justice campaign on June 1st to alleviate hunger and build a food system: one that produces enough for a growing population and empowers poor people to earn a living, feed their families, and thrive. In 2050, estimates show that our global population will reach 9 billion people and we want everyone to have a seat at the table. "

At Oxfam Skipton, we opened as usual today and had a mini picnic in the back room. Enjoy our contribution oxfam!!!

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