
I was making my way into Princes Street Gardens when the one o'clock gun at the castle went off overhead - blimey, it was loud. I suppose it meant I was on time. Lots of blippers were there and as we blethered and ate our sandwiches the sun gradually came out - quite a novelty! The conversation was wide-ranging as usual - blip T-shirts, health provision in different countries, allotments, the Dukan diet, suitable clothing for attending a wedding in Malaysia, how Belgium seems to have been getting on OK without a government for over a year...

We said fond farewells to Green Eggs and Ham, who will be setting out tonight on her epic journey with the cats; fortunately (for them) accompanied by the unflappable Sands.

The photo features Eco Dad (with a tree growing out of his head, I know - but quite appropriate, come to think of it), who not only brought along a couple of tomato plants for me but also home made scones and home made bramble jelly for one and all. Thanks, Eco Dad!

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