Little Waxeyes

Day at home, meant to be reading my book before going off to Book Club will not be finished, I just keep getting side tracked, as you do!

These little Waxys, as we call them, are around my garden in their dozens, deer wee fellows, they love when something is put out for them, today an old pear that had seen better didn't take them long to devour it. Probably not bad in large

Been cloudy most of the day, but now the sun is coming out, certainly not cold.

And damm damm, I have to work tomorrow avi. My friend who I job share has to go to ChCh for another MRI so there's me back to the grind.....grrrrr.

Tomorrow morning I am endeavouring to take some baby belly images for my friend, something never done before, I think it may be quite challenging.

See ya


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