not seeing straight

By jaybroek

Event horizon

When is a hernia not a hernia? When it's acute idiopathic scrotal oedema of course.

It took over two hours and four very splendid doctors to reach this conclusion. The first three had gone with the former, prepping Tom for a dose of morphine and the prospect of an operation and a couple of days in Sick Kids.

The last fella - the specialist and, not entirely coincidentally the most popular with Tom - decided it was the oedema thingy and packed us off with a bottle of ibuprofen.

Tom was being astonishingly brave about the whole thing; constantly reminding us that he didn't really want to stay of course and a few tears but pretty stoical. I would go as far to say he was intrigued by the canular insertion.

The smile and cheer that accompanied the good news, though, was a pleasure to see. The fact that he could bounce around rather confirmed the absence of a hernia...

In other news, 34 weeks gone...

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