Clark Tales

By cclark

The Sights of Fife

Another good day mainly spent in the flat sorting out boxes and hanging more clothes! Almost there - I'm starting to procrastinate but at the same time I'm being really careful about where things go in the house! Lots of calls made today too for all the utilities, and we think we know how the washer-dryer works?

This evening was great HEC brought the god children up to check out auntie cheryl's new pad. Within minutes Jo also turned up! I got Olivia a drink and also the biscuit box- left unattended for a few seconds - seems Olivia wanted to taste every biscuit in the box before settling on a cookie! Woops nibbled biscuits lol

After the kids went home Jose and I picked up Gemma and scooted off for a tan stand, something I do rarely but enjoyed- it smelt like holiday! I'm off to France in a few weeks so hopefully I'll get some sun there, safely with sun block of course.

After our heat treat we went for a long drive on the Fife costal path and took in a stunning view at Aberdour beach! Gutted my battery on the iPhone had died and I didn't have my camera, boo!

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