Isle of May

Today was my 50th birthday. No idea how that happened, I swear I was only 25 about 3 years ago...
One of the best birthdays ever (even including the year that I got a cowboy suit with real holsters and two silver cap-guns :)))). A dozen of us went over to the Isle of May (including blippers Meles (naturally), Trev and Old Bat. It really made the day that they, Tanja, Fraser, Tony, Isobel, Colin, Sandra, Steve, Julita and, best of all, Seth. could make it; thanks guys x
Only sorry that Parsfan (whose tradition the Isle of May birthday trip is) was away this year.
Perfect weather. Thousands of breeding seabirds including Common and Arctic terns, Guillemots, Razorbills, Eider, various gulls, fulmars, kittiwakes, oystercatcher, shags and the delightful wee puffins (Fratercula arctica) They seem to be having a good season this year, despite the storms. Plenty of sand-eels (as here) to feed on.
I've posted more shots in Another Place.
It's been a long, hot day, I'm off to bed.

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