Linda McCartney Project

By lindaproject

#101 - Mexican pudding OR...

...the 3rd time with Linda was not lucky!

Tonights recipe was not a success and ended up in the bin! Well it was always going to happen eventually - although i didn't think quite so early on in the project!

If ever you see a recipe consiting of eggs, milk, A LOT of chillies and various vegetables please do not bother making it. Best I can descibe it as was gloopy spiced gruel! Yuck!

Husband and I had to make an emergency trip to the supermarket at 9pm this evening to buy replacement food!

All this drama plus a hangover (see yesterdays back blip) is NOT a good combination... I'm off to bed feeling very sorry for myself hoping the next Linda installments will be more of a success!

Taste? 0/5
How much is the husband missing meat? 1/5
Ease to make? 4/5
Likelihood to make again? 0/5
How much of help/hindrance was husband? 1/5
TOTAL - 6/25

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