
By middleman


I've been this way plenty of times before, in fact it's just about 50yds down the road from this spot where I found myself last week. And, I've photographed that door and general urban palaver plenty of times too, but never when a workman has accidentally walked past with his mid-morning snack. So, that's that. Quite simply, I don't want to go out and take any more photographs for the rest of the day. I don't want to carry my camera anywhere. I want to stay put and rest after a really shit night's sleep involving small children, bad dreams, tears and waking up in a bed far too small for a man of my age and size. In short, knacked.

Some suitably atmospheric sounds on the ipod accompanied me this morning. The quite brilliant Raime, and I'll leave you with a remix of one of their tracks by Karl O'Connor AKA the equally brilliant Regis.

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