365 Days of Nonsense

By evp365

Well, here it is. Nothing special to most I'm sure. After all, it is only a white rhododendron, right? Well, to me it is special and I thought today was a great day to use it as a picture. I was out in my yard looking for a picture to celebrate my 100th and this caught my eye. I know most people do a big 100 or something, but I wanted to be different. For me, reaching 100 is a big deal because I rarely stick to anything, so I'm proud of myself for not quitting. This is one of the first plants I ever planted. I planted it with my mom when I was just a little girl and it is still alive, a surprising accomplishment for me. This is just one of my fond memories I have from my childhood. I just thought I'd share that. I softened it because I thought it added a nice touch and it hides the fact that it was a tad blurry! :)

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