Jess & Molly Law

By jml

Here's looking at you ...

Jess & Molly went for lots of walks today, but somehow they seemed a bit subdued. Must be the weather.

First walk was along the local Gunpowder Trail, followed by a drive to the Crinan Canal via the Moine Mhor - all of which we have done before, but lovely to be back at them again.

On the way South to the Canal, we passed this field of llamas. There were probably around 30 of them - quite a flock. What are they used for in this country? When they are at home in S, America, they are known as beasts of burden, but I have never heard of a Llama Express service here. Do we use their wool? Do we eat them?

We are just back from EE-USK, a seafood restaurant in Oban. Wonderful meal.


BackBlip time.
Because no Jess or Molly in this blip, I have added another backblip: ]Largo Beach.

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