
By PeregrineF1

Tea for Two

Mostly Mad Mayhem in Month of May!

Thats the headline, and I'm sticking to it! It has been seriously busy at work and have had little time to get out and about with my camera. I did have a week off during the month, but was too ill too take advantage of it.

And it hasn't been much better this month. I was supposed to have had 3 days off this week, starting last Sunday, but was called in to work both on the Sunday itself and on the Monday. That left me Tuesday to catch up on the household chores and I thought it was going to be yet another week before I could get out. But, thankfully, work phoned my up on Tuesday to tell me I was off today and I didn't need to think twice about getting out and about for today!

There has been quite a change down the Gaywood Valley since my last visit, with many young birds now present and lots more insects in evidence. This was a rather obliging large skipper that was feeding on a buttercup and I couldn't resist the opportunity to run off a few shots.

It was so nice to finally get out with the wildlife. It's so good for the soul!

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