an image of teamdel

By teamdel

The Very Hunted Caterpillar

Today was weekly Daddy Day. By the time we had got to the Skate park cafe for my weekly skate park cuppa neither child was asleep. This was annoying as I have got used to some semi piece whilst I drink my skate brew.

Both little ones were playing on the slide when Toddler panicked as a caterpillar made an appearance. She never used to be bothered by things like this, she is still very interested in creatures, but now doesn't really like them near her. So I moved the caterpillar to a tree where I planned to take its picture after drinking my tea.

Anyway five minutes and one dirty nappy later we had to move on as Toddler seemed insistent on getting in Baby's face constantly and he was getting annoyed. She was not meaning to be annoying, she was just excited to be with him but it was still getting all too much so she was ordered to the buggy and we headed of to the soft play area.

On the way out Toddler started on about how I had not taken a picture of the caterpillar and then we saw another one charging down the center of the path. So I plonked Baby near it to watch it and I took its picture. Baby then took chase of the creature and between Toddler jumping out of the buggy and standing in his face and me grabbing his hand the caterpillar fought to live another day unphased that he had been centermeters from being Baby's new toy.

After some soft play we went to the park for normal play with friends before heading for home.

Toddler quotes of the day:
1. Toddler - I am a very good something

2. Toddler - (after getting out of the bath) Did Baby do a Poo?
Me - No
Toddler - WOW!

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