From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

Hear No Evil

Child #3 had a school trip today, which I either was conned into, or was so desperate to go on on a subconscious level that I ticked the 'I would really like to sit in a bus for 2 hours with a bunch of 10 year olds' box without being aware of it! Anyway, I went on this trip, to Yorkshire Sculpture Park and man, it is absolutely amazing!!!!

Yes, there was children, and yes, they made a lot of noise - but the sculptures and art are absolutely breathtaking! I seriously - and I mean seriously - intend to go back there and spend a full day wandering round, looking at the different artists and their work.

This piece is part of a sculpture called The Three Graces i. ii, iv by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa, who is being showcased at the Park at the moment. I was literally rendered speechless when I walked into the room with the piece in it - its simplicity, grace and elegance were breathtaking.

I shall be uploading more to Flickr in the very near future!!

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