Better if its Mummy's

19months 19 days

A fairly early start from Moo, about 5 am, but she did come in with me for a snuggle and milk and we didnt get out of bed until 6, so that was a little more tolerable. We went to Montessori this morning. She spent the whole time playing with a doll that she was particularly taken with. She took this doll on the swing with her, to play at the pasta tray with her, for a ride on the rocker and bounce & spin zebra. Everything she did, this baby did too. She then spent the whole of song time joining in enthusiastically, whilst wearing a doll's moses basket as a hat.

She been playing happily today, but she didnt want me to go very far from her at all. She's been chewing like crazy too, so I'm going to go for the teething option. She has got one that's almost cut but is blistered and not quite there so it wouldnt surprise me if its making her a bit sad.

We had lunch together and then she went down for her sleep. I got her up and we went out to the play cafe to meet Harrison etc. She had a bit of a climb and a play in the ball pool, then spent a long while playing nicely with Harrison at the train table. They were quite cute. Although at one point they both sat ON the play table. It's uncanny, the second I queue to buy a drink or food, her radar alerts her and she appears at my side to claim her stake of it. And she succeeds every time. Thankfully on this occasion she did relinquish my mini tiffin after just a couple of nibbles.

Oh, Katie's learnt a new word, well several actually, but this one makes me chuckle. She's learnt cucumber. Only she says "cucumcer". A little less endearing is her new phrase "Mummy get it". Although she says it with those pleading toddler eyes. Then looks at me before adding "please" with a cheeky little grin. Knowing that I will.

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