
By Mimthing

New Arrival

Don't know whats going wrong down on the field this year, we aren't having much luck in the baby department.

Bought six turkey eggs from ebay and have only one poult.
The duck sat and turned up with six ducklings, one disappeared.
Young goose sat and messed about too much, on and off the nest like a yo-yo, so no goslings with her.

So here we have Martha with one gosling that arrived two days ago, she is still sitting on the remaining eggs but I don't hold out much hope for them, if they haven't hatched by now they aren't going to, they are probably all duds.

Have lost 6 hens to the sparrow hawk that resides on the church roof.

Hey ho....it could be a lot worse, we could have 13 ducklings, 6 turkeys and 11 goslings, it would have been a little bit cramped to say the least.

Not complaining, just the facts of this years sittings.

On a different note and from my yesterdays blip,have you looked today....what a result and what a girl.

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