Jack the "Blipper"

By jackjack

CoolWool at the Leith Festival

Today is the start of the Leith Festival. It's an eclectic mix of

only appreciated by "Sunshine On Leith" lovers.............click the link to see all the nonsense going on!

CoolWool Guerilla Arts Project put out a call for people to knit squares to create 'woolly jumpers' for the trees on Leith Links. So there I was last Saturday night being ridiculed for knitting in bed (like all good grannies should)

Today we took Alex for a wee walk in Leith Links and found my square had been used to cover this bench. Alex was all for having a wee siesta with all the squares around her.

Gran's square is the broon coloured (The one that looks like POO!) about four along from her left

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