The Life of Bri

By bri


We were at Nevis' Search and Scent class today. It is supposed to teach him how to find things and people by sniffing them out. Sometimes following a ground scent trail, but more often by searching for a scent in the air and then finding its source. Of course the dog handler (me or Mrs B) also has to know what to do - for example figuring out where the wind is coming from so you start the search in the best place.

Nevis is pretty good at the scenting, but one thing he hasn't mastered yet is 'speaking' (barking) when he finds the object/person. He can bark happily any time, but is having some trouble learning how to do it on command.

Charlie is one of the stars of the class - he is so focussed on sniffing things out. He is a wee bit excitable and therefore has no trouble with 'speaking'!

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